Welder’s magnets are a good way of keeping the wire in position when tensioning. For a more permanent solution self-tapping screws can be used.
How long will the posts last?
As with all galvanised products the atmospheric and soil conditions may have an effect on its longevity, having said that we would expect a service life at least similar to the net being used, which can be in excess of 30 years.
Why would I need a larger breast plate?
The larger breast plates are designed to increase the surface area of the straining post. These are particularly useful in soft ground or on turning posts.
What is the temporary strut plate for?
The temporary strut plate is used in conjunction with a strut assembly and a smooth wire strainer when a temporary strut is required (Bunny hopping) this is simply disassembled after the fence is erected and can be re-used on the next project.
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