Jude Jones - Tornado Apprentice
As an 18-year-old engineering operative apprentice at Tornado, my favourite part of the job is the changeovers from one specification of net to another, as it offers something different to do. The skills I’ve picked up at Tornado are invaluable for life. You have to be on your toes, so I’d say problem-solving and communication with co-workers are key.
I’d like to mention my mentors, Callum, Daniel and Dave without whom I wouldn’t have come this far. Their guidance and support have been invaluable.

Investing in steel fencing.
Tornado has done a great job with their Pro-Strain system. When asked during development what I would like to see from the product, I mentioned versatility. Other products have a set method of installation which doesn’t suit all situations. And I love that it can be a standard or box strainer using the same components.
Tommy Tresidder - Tresidder Fencing
Alfie Forbes - Tornado Apprentice
I’m in my first year and so far I have learnt many things, such as, how to fix a cable on a portable welder and also learning how to fix machines with other employees. I have also been at college with Gen2 where I learnt my hand skills which teaches me how to use hand tools like files, hacksaw, Pillar drill, which has a wide range of applications in metalworking, and many more.
At Gen2 we also have a tech cert day where we learn and test on health and safety, maths and communication.
Gen2 is a training provider that offers apprenticeships, higher education, and skills bootcamps in various sectors across Cumbria and is one of the area’s biggest providers for apprenticeships.
I would encourage others to apply for an apprenticeship at Tornado Wire as you can earn money whilst also learning hands on skills and getting to know what a working environment feels like. Tornado employs local people to offer them full time jobs after their apprenticeship.
I have a great mentor, Steve, he has helped me learn about Tornado and learn new things about electrical jobs. He gives us clear instructions and guidance to work independently.

Hannah Troughton - Tornado Apprentice
I am 17 years old and an apprentice machine operator. I enjoy running the machines and have picked up numerous skills for life at Tornado that include; problem solving, team work and hands on skills.
My mentors Sean and Mike have consistently provided guidance, helped me navigate challenges, and celebrated my successes. Without their exceptional support, I would not have achieved the level of progress that I have.

Hayden Jackson - Tornado Apprentice
My manufacturing operator apprenticeship began 5 months ago and I really enjoy running the 20-line machine, because there is always something to do and it is fast paced. I have also done most of my training on it.
Wire testing is the task that I find the most enjoyable and having a crack with people at brew is great camaraderie.
My mentors, Daniel and Mark, are incredibly helpful in explaining tasks and demonstrating how things are done.

Dylan Johnston - Tornado Apprentice
My first year as an apprentice was at Gen2. At Gen2 I learnt the general health and safety when working in a workshop. Gen2 taught me some basic maintenance skills as well as putting me through my functional skills which is where you make tools using hand tools.”
Gen2 is a training provider that offers apprenticeships, higher education, and skills bootcamps in various sectors across Cumbria and is one of the area’s biggest providers for apprenticeships.
“In my second year I got to go to Tornado Wire full time, except to go to college one day as well. In my one day a week at college I did my Tech Cert which I completed halfway through the year and got my level 3 diploma in.
My time at work was spent working with the maintenance team and starting to pick up some on the job training.
Now in my third year at Tornado, I have been given more independence and responsibility and have become more capable, which makes me a more important part of the maintenance team.
I would recommend an apprenticeship at Tornado to anyone that is leaving school as you get to earn a wage as well as learning a trade.
The thing that I believe sets Tornado’s apprenticeship above others is that you get to learn multiple trades. For example, I am in a mechanical trade but I also get to learn other trades such as fabrication. Another good thing about Tornado is it’s a friendly work environment.
Steve is a great mentor because he cares about the people on his team.
In future I would like to pass my apprenticeship and get kept on as a full-time maintenance employee. After this I would like to go back to college to learn the electrical trade.
‘We have been trading with Tornado Wire for over 20 years as a stockist and distributor. The Tornado product itself and back up from our area rep Wayne is second to none. The vast majority of our regular contractors will not use any other brand!’
Will Nice - M.W. Nice Ltd Visit www.mwnicefencing.co.uk

‘In the past two years I have ordered over 10,000m of fencing materials from Tornado and every order no matter how small has been handled with the upmost professionalism. Whether it is amending orders, dealing with the logistics of deliveries or simply getting the invoices sorted their customer service has been excellent.’
Samuel Fletcher, Forest Works Supervisor- Forestry England
Visit www.forestryengland.uk

"Tornado Wire is my preferred supplier of all wire products. Their products are very good with a service to match. I find the Torus net unbeatable and I wouldn’t use hinge joint any more. The Torus net is a lot stronger and stiffer and doesn’t go baggy or stretch under heavy stock pressure. You do pay a premium price for it but you save a lot of time on erection as it strains up brilliantly and stands vertical, making stapling very easy.”
Jim Mackay – Mackay Fencing Ltd Visit www.mackayfencing.com

“We use Tornado Wire for all our fencing projects across agricultural, equestrian and forestry sectors. In our experienced opinion, Tornado provide the best wire available, for quality, strength and durability”
Tom Stockdale, Managing Director - Stockdale Fencing Ltd Visit www.stockdalefencing.com

“I recently visited the Tornado Wire factory when they hosted the Best Practice Day for contractors. I naturally assumed all wire was made the same and all the same quality however that clearly isn’t the case seeing the additional lengths Tornado put into their process and quality procedures. As a fairly new fencing contractor I primarily went for the best practices to help further my knowledge in underground wire work and tie backs to use in different situations. Great day out putting faces to names thank you to the organisers and the fencers taking time out to help others striving to better themselves.
Connor Topping, Director - CT Agricultural & Groundwork Services Ltd Visit www.ctagriculturalandgroundworkservicesltd.co.uk

'We really like the new website, it’s a lot more time efficient as we can price check on there rather than ringing the office and all the prices are up to date. It also allows us to add items to our basket and they will stay there until we have enough items to make up a delivery meaning nothing gets forgotten. Another thing we like about the website is how easy items are to find, everything is categorised so its easy to compare different wires or tools and each item on the website has a detailed description and the wire listings all have a spec sheet attached explaining the codes and uses for each type of wire.'

Van Wijncoop - Netherlands
"We have been a customer of Tornado since 2005. We started with 5 pallets and after that it just started growing and growing.
The confidence in Tornado has only grown. We've had the opportunity to visit the factory where they make these products and the Tornado team are great to deal with.
The quality of the products is the best, we've have never had complaints about Tornado's products since our first orders in 2005."
To find out more information on Van Wijncoop's range of Tornado products and some projects they've used Tornado fences on visit www.afrastering.nl

‘Sanctus were delighted to utilise Tornado Wire as our primary supplier for quality fencing materials and accessories on the Willington Wetlands Project. From initial design through to delivery and installation, Tornado Wire were able to offer a high level of technical expertise where required, and back it up with swift and efficient support from the office and administerial side of the business. We would be more than happy to use Tornado Wire on similar projects in the future.'
Chris Adams, Procurement Manager - Sanctus Limited
Visit www.sanctusltd.co.uk